The rings in question, to be precise, are made from a blend of tungsten and a little amount of nickel. This blend makes the rings unbelievably stronger. On the other hand, the rings are absolutely free from scratches and thus, hardly undergo any damage over a lifetime. The metal – above everything else – never loses its shine. All these nitty-gritty factors prove helpful in increased commercial prospect of tungsten jewelry.
The rings are available in a large number of attractive designs. Considering the unprecedented commercial prospect of this range of jewelry, a pair of his and her tungsten ring set is widely available these days. The man’s ring in this set usually ranges between 8 to 10 mm while the bride’s one ranges between 5 to 6 mm.
The metal is absolutely bio compatible and is never known to create itches and scratches and triggers discomfort to the wearers. As a matter of fact, inferior grade of tungsten rings is often manufactured blending the metal with cobalt instead of nickel. Cobalt is prone to fade the shine and discolor the ring after a span of time. As such, it also causes irritation to the skin for innumerable individuals.
Thus, while buying the jewelry merchandises one should better be slightly cautious to avoid these unwanted complexities. There are many renowned online stores that provide superior quality of products, at pretty reasonable rates. These online retail outlets maintain impressive range of product catalog and also facilitate prompt home delivery.